Don’t let Carl Paladino become our next governor


Image by azipaybarah via Flickr

Carl Paladino just won the GOP nomination for Governor of New York on Wednesday. Who is Carl Paladino? He a fucking racist that’s who he is. This man said that as governor he would take over the Islamic rec center that is planned to be built two blocks from the world trade center site and take it away with the eminent domain law. This is the same man who has sent racist emails about President Barrack Obama. He sent an email with Barrack Obama and the first lady Michelle Obama. The image was photoshopped to make President Obama look like a pimp and Michelle was made to look like his prostitute. How dare he disrespect the President of the United States of America. The President and First lady have more class and intelligence in their fingers then Paladino will ever have in his whole life. He also sent a video which was described as Obama’s Inauguration Rehearsal but it was an African tribesmen performing a traditional dance. Another video sent was of an airplane landing  behind a group of black men and the caption reads “Holy Sh*t. run ni**ers, run!” Closer to home, if elected Governor of New York will free up jail cell and place people looking for work in them to “learn job skills”. One of the lessons offered… Hygiene. This makes me believe that he believes people who have no jobs are just dirty and need to learn how to clean them selves. Anyone who has not committed a violent crime should not be in jail.

This is the man who will represent the GOP in the Governors race for NY. What the hell are we doing? If you’re not convinced then look at this.

Oct 2009 Paladino sent an email with this image

To see the full-scale of Paladino’s racism check out the

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